초등3학년부터 6학년 교과과정의 영문법 및 예비중학 준비 문법까지 쉽고 재미있게 배우는 초등핵심 기초영문법 강의
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키포인트와 훈련으로 1차 학습
더블체크와 리뷰데이로 3중 복습으로 확실하게 체득!

초등학생 발달과정, 눈높이에 맞춘 수업진행
FUN하게 공부하고, 즐겁게 말하자!

샘플 강의

[Lesson 01]
학습자료를 보면서 학습을 정리해보세요.

∇학습자료PDF 다운받기∇

  1. Be 동사란?
    : „~이다 „~가 있다 란 의미로 ‘나는 누구 입니다” 라고 소개해줄 때 쓰이는 동사
    단, 주어에 따라 그 형태가 달라진다


Be 동사




















상세 커리큘럼 안내

  1. Lesson 01 HELLO, I’m Yu-na!
  2. Lesson 02 What’s this? / It’s a pencil
  3. Lesson 03 Happy birthday, 유리!
  4. Lesson 04 Wash your hands!
  5. Lesson 05 Review day!
  6. Lesson 06 Do you like apples?
  7. Lesson 07 How many ?
  8. Lesson 08 I can swim.
  9. Lesson 09 It’s sunny!
  10. Lesson 10 Review day
  11. Lesson 11 Don’t run!
  12. Lesson 12 Let’s go outside
  13. Lesson 13 What time is it?
  14. Lesson 14 May I come in?
  15. Lesson 15 Review day!
  16. Lesson 16 This is Peter.
  17. Lesson 17 This computer is yours.
  18. Lesson 18 How old are you?
  19. Lesson 19 I have a book in my bag.
  20. Lesson 20 Review day!
  1. Lesson 21 Who is he ?
  2. Lesson 22 Is this your cap?
  3. Lesson 23 I’m sick.
  4.  Lesson 24 What do you want?
  5.  Lesson 25 Review day
  6.  Lesson 26 Where is the restroom?
  7.  Lesson 27 What time do you go to bed?
  8.  Lesson 28 Did you have a good weekend?
  9.  Lesson 29 I studied hard.
  10.  Lesson 30 Review day
  11.  Lesson 31 There is an apple.
  12. Lesson 32 There are some apples.
  13.  Lesson 33 There is some water.
  14.  Lesson 34 Is there any water?
  15.  Lesson 35 Review day
  16.  Lesson 36 What a nice day!
  17.  Lesson 37 How fast she is!
  18.  Lesson 38 Whose book is this?
  19.  Lesson 39 Who(m) do you like?
  20.  Lesson 40 Review day
  1. Lesson 41 What did you eat for breakfast?
  2. Lesson 42 When did you have lunch?
  3. Lesson 43 When did you last summer?
  4. Lesson 44 How did you come here?
  5. Lesson 45 Review day
  6. Lesson 46 I am studying English now.
  7. Lesson 47 Are you watching TV.
  8. Lesson 48 I’m not watching TV.
  9. Lesson 49 I get up very early.
  10. Lesson 50 Review day
  11. Lesson 51 I was happy yesterday.
  12. Lesson 52 Were you angry?
  13. Lesson 53 She is shorter than you.
  14. Lesson 54 he is the tallest in class.
  15. Lesson 55 Review day
  16. Lesson 56 I will read a book.
  17. Lesson 57 I will not be fine.
  18. Lesson 58 I am going to play the piano.
  19. Lesson 59 I’m not going to listen to music.
  20. Lesson 60 Review day
  1. Lesson 61 I go to bed at 9.
  2. Lesson 62 He ate pizza before class.
  3. Lesson 63 I’m tired but I study hard.
  4. Lesson 64 I always have breakfast.
  5. Lesson 65 Review day
  6. Lesson 66 I like swimming.
  7. Lesson 67 To exercise is good.
  8. Lesson 68 He likes English.
  9. Lesson 69 You should take a rest.
  10. Lesson 70 Review day
  11. Lesson 71 What are you doing?
  12. Lesson 72 What are you going to do?
  13. Lesson 73 I gave her flowers.
  14. Lesson 74 They call him superman.
  15. Lesson 75 Review day
  16. Lesson 76 I was taught be Cecil.
  17. Lesson 77 I have studied English for 2 years.
  18. Lesson 78 I haven’t slept well.
  19. Lesson 79 Have you ever seen the movie?
  20. Lesson 80 Review day

코스 수강평


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